rewiring of outlets

Rewire With AMC

Do you live in an old home? Is your current wiring safe and compliant?  Faulty wiring is one of the most common causes for house fires in New Zealand. AMC Electrical can inspect your current wiring and discuss options with you in regard to replacement of unsafe and non complaint wiring

Flickering lights, burning smells and discoloured outlets and switches in your home are clear signs that your wires might be old, faulty or damaged. A modern rewire will not only provide safety for your household by reducing fire hazards but can also upgrade your current system to make it more optimal for your needs. AMC Electrical can install additional power outlets and perform alterations to make the whole wiring of your home ideal for your household.

Contact our friendly team today

Rewiring is essential to keep your home safe and reduce fire hazards. Get in touch with our residential electrical team to discuss your needs!